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Lavender Phoenix

Raise money for Lavender Phoenix


HELP US RAISE $2,000 for our 20th ANNIVERSARY! 

About us:

Lavender Phoenix (formerly known as APIENC) builds transgender, non-binary, and queer Asian and Pacific Islander power to heal and transform our communities. Through organizing in the Bay Area, we inspire and train grassroots leaders, transform our community’s values from scarcity to abundance, and sustain a vibrant, intersectional movement ecosystem

At LavNix, we build the political power of transgender and queer APIs (TQAPIs) in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond as a strategy to build racial and economic equity for all.

We do this in three primary ways:

  1. Base Building: We are continually building our base and investing in the development of our 75+ committed members, who ensure our work remains responsive to and rooted in community. Since 2019, our base has doubled and our members have taken on greater shared leadership in stewarding LavNix’s organizational development and movement work through our committee structure and member development processes.

  2. Leadership Development: Leadership development is the central cog our work revolves around. Our purpose as an organization is to develop responsible, relational leaders who will lead dynamic and sustainable movements for liberation. We run annual, formal leadership development programs to support our TQAPI members and community in strengthening our skills and implicitly develop our members through our day to day committee organizing.

  3. Movement Building: Lavender Phoenix activates our members and supports organizers across justice movements to design and run campaigns around community safety and healing justice. Through both local campaigns led by our members, and through statewide and national coalitions, we fight to create truly safe communities that don’t rely on police and prisons, and where transgender and queer BIPOC people experience power and belonging.