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Help Rory raise money

For participating in Opening Day 5k (and kids run)

My Story…

Rory is going to Tennessee! As part of the Chaska 12AA baseball team Rory is raising money for a great experience to participate in a tournament in Pigeon Forge Tennessee. 

We are hosting a 5k in Chaska. Run/walk/donate.

Event is April 20th at Pioneer Middle School


Donate to help the 12AA Chaska baseball team with their trip to Pigeon Forge this summer!  

For every $100 raised the player will receive a coupon for a DQ Blizzard.  

The player with the highest donation total will earn a Dairy Queen ice cream cake! 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 21 Klos Crew Good luck Rory! $27.48
Apr 19 Anonymous Go Go Go Rory Undisclosed amount
Mar 16 Kasbohms Go Rory! $32.80