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Help Stephen raise money

For participating in 2024 Feathers 5K Run & Walk

My Story…

On February 8th, 2024, I lost my mother, Lillian, to cancer. Atlanta Cancer Care was Mom's oncologist, where she received the very best treatment every three weeks for over a year. Last year, while in the Atlanta Cancer Care office with Mom, I saw a poster for this fundraiser and decided to run. This year, after the loss of my mother, I've decided to remember Mom by partnering with the Atlanta Cancer Care Foundation to raise money to aid cancer patients who are having financial difficulties while undergoing treatment in my mother's memory. Please give generously; this is a worthy cause.

Donate to help Stephen raise money for 2024 Feathers 5K Run & Walk’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 24 Anonymous In support of Stephen and in memory of Mrs. Gilkenson $54.10
Apr 19 Melissa Efferth In memory of Mrs. Gilkenson $50.00