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Help Crystal raise money

For participating in Colon Screening for Life 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Walk

My Story…

Welcome to Leias Motivational Misfits! 

This is a team to show support of Leia, a bight eyed 14 year old girl that was diagnosed with a severe case of Crohn's Disease in September 2021. Although Leia hates when I bring light to the disease, much less her story, she cringes. She has put up one heck of a fight over the last few years from getting down to 55 pounds as an 11 year old to almost automatic medication rejection to the first drug, organ failure on the chemotherapy drug, to finally getting to a medication that works. It hasn't been easy getting her to this copasetic state- her little body has a mind of its own. Knock on wood, she is doing great right now. She is playing softball for two teams and has taken up track. She is a spicy as a little pepper but we as a team want to shed light on getting colon screening! We wouldn't have known her diagnosis without one. Eary detection colon screenings can save lives when it comes to cancer. Lets raise money together and support Leia at the same time!  

Donate to help Crystal raise money for Colon Screening for Life 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Walk’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 03 The McCombs Family You rock, Leia!! We love you! $22.15