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Help Kayla raise money

For participating in Run With Rob

My Story…

I am running with Rob in NB this May to help bring awareness and newborn screening for congenital CMV to the Maritime provinces.

Did you know? Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common infection passed from mother to baby during pregnancy. It is the #1 infectious and preventable cause of birth defects in North America. And yet, most people have never heard of it. It is time to change that!

As a native New Brunswicker, I want to help bring universal newborn screening for CMV to the Maritimes. With your help, we can ensure every baby has the best possible chance at a healthy start in life. 

Want to learn more about CMV? Visit   

On behalf of the CMV community across Canada – thank you for your support! ❤

Donate to help Kayla raise money for Run With Rob’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 15 Kayla McNally $108.45