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Help Louis-M raise money

For participating in Run With Rob

My Story…

I met Rob in Boston while running the Boston Marathon. His goal of running through NB awith a marathon a day is huge. I want to help him raise awareness to the cause Canadian CMV Foundation. Please join me in the support. I had no idea about it before hearing about it from Rob.

Donate to help Louis-M raise money for Run With Rob’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 16 Anonymous $27.85
May 15 Becky $22.47
May 15 Anonymous $22.47
May 15 Lita Great work! Enjoy the run :) $43.97
May 15 Ginette LeBlanc You got this Louis-Marie! Enjoy your run with Rob. You guys are awesome $108.45
May 15 Guy et Cecile LeBlanc Bonne chance Louis ! $54.72
May 06 Liette $27.85
May 05 Anonymous $27.85
Apr 26 Anonymous Hoping to run with you soon. $108.45