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Help Gail raise money

For participating in Stair Heroes 2024

My Story…

As a physiotherapist, I have devoted my career to improving care for people living with lung disease. Clinically, I have worked in intensive care and pulmonary rehabilitation. As a professor, I have conducted research on assessment and management of lung disease and I teach physiotherapy students about the important role they can play to improve the lives of people living with respiratory disease. I have volunteered on the board of the Canadian Lung Association and the Lung Association Nova Scotia and PEI and have served on several committees of the Canadian Thoracic Society, including the COPD Assembly. 


The Lung Association of Nova Scotia and PEI does amazing work to support people with lung disease, but this requires volunteers and resources. I want to increase support for the Association by participating in the upcoming Stair Heroes event. Please consider supporting me in my goal to raise $2500 by climbing 36 flights of stairs at Scotia Square on Nov 3, 2024. 

Donate to help Gail raise money for Stair Heroes 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 31 Anonymous Good luck! Undisclosed amount
Oct 30 Joann Rofihe CA$25.00
Oct 30 Heather Robertson CA$108.45
Oct 21 Denise Foster You go girl! CA$54.72
Oct 21 Anonymous Good luck and best wishes. A wonderful cause! CA$250.00
Oct 18 Grace Go Gail! Thanks for stepping up to the plate. Undisclosed amount
Oct 16 Nancy Morrison CA$100.00
Oct 16 Valerie CA$108.45
Oct 15 Amy Pulsifer Always happy to support you in this very worthy cause! Good luck!! :) CA$108.45
Oct 14 Barbara Kelly CA$54.72