Help Raj raise money
For participating in WalkUnitedLA
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
Hard to imagine .... I am the son of an immigrant. Came here with almost nothing and through many trials and with singular focus, raised a family and became very successful. But the story doesn't end there; there are many who's path to success is hampered by so many factors -health, lack of paths of opportunities, discrimination, overarching family burdens, and other factors.
I am doing this walk to take part in a larger community who's mission it is to lend a hand to those looking for a lending hand. I feel blessed to be able to be part of that strength of this organization especially -it has done so much, it has been part of the fabric of my life, and I hope continues with all our shared participation.
Donate to help Raj raise money for WalkUnitedLA’s fundraising campaign.