Help Pamela raise money
For participating in YMCA Charity 5K
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
Each year, the YMCA welcomes thousands of children aged 4 to 15 from across the GTA to one of our many overnight or day camps to experience fun and friendship in the great outdoors. The learning, support and opportunities at camp help ignite their true potential to Shine On in all that they do year-round.
This year, I am participating in the YMCA Charity 5K in support of raising funds to send 500 more kids to camp. Through your generosity and efforts, we know we can do it!
I’m participating in this year’s YMCA Charity 5K because I believe all kids deserve a chance to experience the joy and adventures of camp and make some lasting memories in the great outdoors.
The YMCA’s goal this year is to raise enough money to ensure 500 more kids from the GTA get to have that awesome experience.
Will you please help me raise funds and reach my goal of sending a kid to camp? All contributions important and appreciated.
Many thanks for your support – from me and especially from all the YMCA campers!