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Help Cheryl raise money

For participating in Know Where To Turn Presented by Propak

My Story…

On July 20 last year, my beloved sister Tanice, and faithful dog Gus, were murdered by her ex-husband. Please help me in my quest to prevent this from happening to other families. 

Donate to help Cheryl raise money for Know Where To Turn Presented by Propak’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 02 Elaine Watteyne An amazing event to honor your sister and to raise awareness ❤️ $54.31
Apr 01 Elspeth & Alan We support you and all others in this tragic loss. Bless you for honouring Tanice in this way. Wishing you comfort as you grieve her loss. $54.31
Apr 01 Catherine Bohachik What a beautiful way to contribute to keeping Tanice’s memory alive (and to have lovely new earrings). You two are just wonderful ❤️ Undisclosed amount
Mar 20 James and Ellen Fong Thinking of you and your family $107.72
Mar 18 Gisele Gareau My heart goes out to you Cheryl. Good for you to do this run. $54.31
Mar 18 Catherine Bohachik My heart goes out to you, Cheryl. This is such a beautiful tribute to dear Tanice. Thank you for helping to keep her memory alive. ❤️ $54.31
Mar 16 Janelle and Kjell Brataas Love that you are doing this. Good luck! $54.31
Mar 16 Sheene you to the moon and stars for doing this in honour of our dear Tan $213.42
Mar 16 therese henderson $54.31
Mar 16 Tracy Mark Tanice would be so thrilled and proud of you for doing this in her honor. Miss her cheery smiles! $107.72