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Help us raise money

For participating in Run for the Door

Our story…

Hey there!

Thank you so much for considering donating to or racing on my team for this year's Run 4 the Door 5K!  As an Assistant Youth Director for our Youth Center, my mission is to be a cornerstone in the lives of our students who communicates and encourages their worth and value because of Jesus' redeeming death and resurrection for them!  I believe long-term relationships with our students is the key to transformational change in their lives, and January 2024 marked my 10th year at ODM!

I create and lead our After-School programming, Student Leadership Program, and our Alumni programming.  I help my coworkers facilitate Youth Group, Summer programming, and our Healthy Relationships Curriculum.

It's a joy and honor of mine to lead, love, and serve our youth students of our Denver community.  My goal this year is to raise $3,156, because that is the amount I need to be fully supported for the summer months--June, July, and August!

Thank you for your partnership and for helping me to thrive in this calling I love!

Help us raise money for Open Door Ministries

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 01 Aunt Lynne Keep helping our young folks $54.10
Jun 01 Mama & Papa G Love you Meg - go ODM! Undisclosed amount
Apr 30 John Bernazzani Go Meg! Undisclosed amount
Apr 23 Courtneys Blessings to you, Meg, and ODM. Undisclosed amount
Apr 22 Anonymous WHOOO GO MEGGIE AND ODM! Undisclosed amount
Mar 26 Lynn Hansen Undisclosed amount