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Help Jill raise money

For participating in Hike for Hospice Hustle

My Story…

Foothills Country Hospice is a part of my life in Okotoks. I have been a volunteer at this beautiful facility for over 12 years. It is an honor and a privilege to be involved in end of life care for people in the MD of Foothills, Calgary & southern Alberta. 

I have witnessed the tender care, the kind understanding, the compassionate support and professional service that our facility provides to patients and their loved ones. 

When I first considered volunteering, I was hesitant, not having had experience with end stage of life. I started out at reception, ( we all start there), and it went well. I decided to take more training, which enabled me to offer patient support. I found that very rewarding. I love people. Both patients and family members need a warm smile, cup of tea , a gentle hug, or an ear. The interactions are memorable and precious. 

As an artist and art appreciator, I now look after the Art Collection at the Hospice. This is very near and dear to my heart. It is important that each patient has art that brings joy or meaning to them, during their final days.  We give them options and place it in their room, easily visible. 

End of Life care is given with dignity, compassion, respect and consideration. 

Foothills Country Hospice is currently expanding from 8 patient beds to 16. We can and will make a difference in supporting more families in their journeys, as the demand grows. 

AHS provides 60% of the funding to operate the hospice. We need to raise the other 40%. 

Please support my Hike for Hospice so our good  work can continue. I appreciate any contribution that you can give. 

If you would like to join me on the hike, I’d love that, too!

Donate to help Jill raise money for Hike for Hospice Hustle’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 28 Myrna T Thanks for doing this, Jill. Undisclosed amount
Apr 24 Heather Rogers Wonderful walk Jill! $54.31
Apr 24 Lorelle Crichton Undisclosed amount
Apr 23 Dave $54.31
Apr 20 Garnet Jones $150.00
Apr 19 Lawanda & Jim Neilsen Thanks for doing this, Jill. We’re happy to support this cause. $107.72
Apr 19 Ll $54.31
Apr 19 Wendy Williams $214.54
Apr 19 Charlotte McEachern Thankyou Jill for always pursuing this worthwhile cause. $54.31
Apr 18 Anonymous $107.72