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Help Carlene raise money

For participating in Tour de SAVE 2024

My Story…

I’m riding the Tour de Save in Northfield again this year. This ride supports suicide and mental health awareness and support. I would appreciate help in reaching, or better yet, exceeding my fundraiser goal. We have all struggled with or known someone who struggles with mental health issues. Please help me support local services that can make a difference.

Donate to help Carlene raise money for Tour de SAVE 2024’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 21 D Munn Well done Carlene and Team $54.10
Jul 18 Mary McGoldrick $27.48
Jul 18 Ronald A Wells Go Car!! $54.10
Jul 16 Jill Huss What a great thing you are doing!!! $27.48
Jul 16 Al and Jan McClellan Thanks for the work! Undisclosed amount
Jul 16 Rockie Amaro Ride like the wind! $54.10
May 31 Carlene Amaro This is in memory of those I and my family have lost to suicide. $107.35