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Help Joyce raise money

For participating in The Bond Between Fast & the Furriest 5k9

My Story…

This is my first 5K and I will be walking it. After years of poor health I am excited to add this event to my journey to wellness. I've lost 115 pound total, and 85 of it since December 2023, when I started kidney dialysis because my kidneys failed me. I have 25 more pounds to lose and I will be able to be referred for a kidney transplant.

Donate to help Joyce raise money for The Bond Between Fast & the Furriest 5k9’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 17 Jan Horn Undisclosed amount
May 10 Diana Congratulations and have a good time on your walk $27.48
May 07 Anonymous Go Joyce! Undisclosed amount
Apr 02 Joyce Champlain $27.48