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Alzheimer's Association

Raise money for Alzheimer's Association

Welcome to the Chocoholic Frolic Team Fundraising page!  We are thrilled to be partnering with the Alzheimer's Association and raise funds to help end 

this relentless disease. Together, the strength of our light will outshine the darkness of Alzheimer’s.

We need your help to end this relentless disease. Together, the strength of our light will outshine the darkness of Alzheimer’s.

Your donation truly makes a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Thank you for your support and participation in the Chocoholic Frolic!

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 29 Nick Perez $27.48
Oct 28 Anonymous For my dad Undisclosed amount
Oct 28 Mario Paez Undisclosed amount
Oct 28 Gabrielle Glasco Undisclosed amount
Oct 27 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 27 Nicole Helland $27.48
Oct 27 Anonymous $25.00