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Help Jacqueline raise money

For participating in 14th Annual Donor Network West Foundation Run/Walk

My Story…

Restrictive Cardiomyopathy.

It's genetic.

Unlike most heart conditions, no amount of diet or exercise will change the outcome. The heart will continue to slowly harden until it cannot pump anymore.

Today we understand what it is, what symptoms to look for, and how it's transformed our family. We know the lives it's claimed over the years - uncles, grandfathers, fathers. We know the lives it continues to touch in across our family - those who received transplants, those who tested positive, those who feel the symptoms, those with survivor's guilt.

(My dad's first real meal in the hospital post-transplant.)66d3e25db3390.jpg

But we did not know all of this when my dad and uncle went through heart transplants 7 and 8 years ago. They were headlong in uncertainty with hearts that could not keep them alive, while me and others watched their lives completely deteriorate to the point where walking was impossible. They were both fortunate enough - thanks to donors and an incredible team of doctors - to get heart transplants. They were the ones who uncovered the name of the disease, the symptoms, and a way to test for it for the rest of us. Many of us have been tested - some are positive and some negative, and more who have it are dealing with the symptoms. Only this time they are dealing with the full knowledge of the risks and where they are headed.

Me? I decided to not get tested. I'm asymptomatic and knowing would not impact any big life decision for me. Then last year I had a baby boy. Finding out if I have this gene is not about me anymore, it's about him - because boys are much more likely to experience the full force of this disease.

So today, please consider donating. For the organ donors, the family we've lost, the family we've kept, the family on the tumultuous path to transplant, and the family still figuring out their journey. For me - as I unlock the box that years of therapy help me close for good (so I thought).

Go forth, do good.

(Year 2 of Big Al's Pizza team.)66d3e3b44c313.jpg

(The fabulous Michigan family who helped me make a team during the virtual years.)

Donate to help Jacqueline raise money for 14th Annual Donor Network West Foundation Run/Walk’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 12 Kelly Yazdani $54.10
Sep 09 Jenna Masuda $54.10
Sep 09 Anonymous $27.48
Sep 09 Gavin Mills $54.10
Sep 09 Anonymous $54.10
Sep 08 The Magowan Family Undisclosed amount
Sep 06 Allison + Beth $107.35
Sep 06 Erin Wright Thinking of you and your family Jacqueline! $54.10
Sep 06 Morgan So much love. For you, for your dad, for A, for your fam. 💕 $27.48
Sep 05 Kayla Malachowski (Hall) $54.10