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Help Jen raise money

For participating in REALTORS® Relief Run 5K

My Story…

Friends, I'm coming to you as a 49-yo out-of-shape non-runner to let you know I'm running in Boston! Getting out of our comfort zone is good, right? 

So many communities have been impacted by natural disasters in the past 2 years and Helene is one that seems unimaginable even as we saw it before our very eyes. REALTOR Relief Foundation supports folks as they find housing resources to begin the process of getting back on their feet in the wake of such disasters. NAR covers the entire cost of overhead, so 100% of your donations go directly to folks in need. 

Just as running is out of my comfort zone, asking for help is as well. So here we go. Please, please! I'm asking for your support to raise $5000 for RRF as I prepare to run the RRF 5k in Boston (not the biggie, obvi!) on November 10! Together we can make a difference! 

Thanks for your support - let's do this! 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 10 Chappelle Family Great job Jen!! $107.35
Nov 10 Lori Galletto Wow! You are amazing ❤️. You’ve got this! $107.35
Nov 09 Jessica Reeves Thanks for your help and support Jen! $54.10
Nov 09 Chris and Kathleen Love you! $54.10
Nov 08 Courtney Anderson You got this!! $54.10
Nov 08 ChristineLuken Good luck lady! 😘 $107.35
Nov 08 Anonymous Love your heart, wisdom, soul and friendship! XO Undisclosed amount
Nov 08 Christine Rothfuss Good luck and have fun! $54.10
Nov 08 Shannon Gemeinhardt Cutest jellyfish ever to run a 5K!! We will be cheering for you! $54.10
Oct 28 JCM Financial Serv. Consulting Go get ‘em, Jen! ❤️🏅 $1,065.85