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Help Elijah raise money

For participating in SF Aloha Run for Peace

My Story…

I am a newer College Access Advisor, but I've been working with younger youth for five years before that. Clearly my dedication is to the future generations, and any donations towards our goal as a team gets us one step closer to making sure our youths are supported by our programs and scholarships. College Access in particular is always in need of more funding because, unfortunately, the U.S. government and the capitalistic nature of this country continues to erect barriers to education for those without massive generational wealth. Until our leaders spend the billions of tax dollars they spend on wars on education and public services, like a vast majority of citizens are begging for, programs like JCYC will be asking for donations from everyday people to help plug one hole in the porous dam that is the U.S. Education System :) Spend that $5 on coffee here!

Donate to help Elijah raise money for SF Aloha Run for Peace’s fundraising campaign.