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Help Jezreyl raise money

For participating in SF Aloha Run for Peace

My Story…

Hello Friends! This is my very first Aloha Run marathon ever! Not sure what to expect, but I'm thankful to have this opportunity to participate in this event with JCYC. 

As someone who was born and raised in Vallejo, the VUSD never had any resources to support low-income students in need. Working with JCYC, I see and understand the struggles that these students have faced and I find myself wanting to give back to give back to these youth and for those in need.

The SF Aloha Run is JCYC's LARGEST annual fundraising event. By supporting JCYC and my Team, you are also giving back to the community and supporting Bay Area's Youth!

If you would love to support me and cheer me on, please share and donate! :)

Donate to help Jezreyl raise money for SF Aloha Run for Peace’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 21 Vladimir Just🤌🏽Give🤌🏽Jez🤌🏽The🤌🏽Medal🤌🏽🥇 $20.02
Aug 16 Arianna U better win this race or I want a refund. $22.15
Aug 15 Rodolfo Rooting for you Jez and your team <3 $22.15