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Help Charley raise money

For participating in Butterfly Run Kelowna

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My Story…

One miscarriage seemed relatively manageable for people to respond to - flowers, cards, tea and phone calls. But after the second, third, and fourth people lost count. They didn’t know what on earth to say to me and I didn’t know how to make it easier to be around me.           - Zoe Clark-Coates 

For our littlest loves 💕

Donate to help Charley raise money for Butterfly Run Kelowna’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 05 Anne Nixson So proud of you all and your support for the butterfly run event. Well done xx Undisclosed amount
Oct 05 Chris, Soph, Hannah, Sam & Abi We love you all so much xxx Undisclosed amount
Sep 30 Anonymous $54.31