Help Shawn raise money
For participating in 2024 GOCA Teal Trot 5K Walk/Run
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
Hebrews 12:1-3 "1. We are surrounded by a great cloud of truth tellers who have shown us what it means to trust the Great Spirit. So let us lay to the side everything that weighs us down and the broken ways that so easily wrap around our legs to trip us. And let us run as if we are in a long-distance race, setting a steady pace and heading toward the goal.
2. This means we must keep our eyes on Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the trailblazer of our spiritual ways, the one who was first to reach the end of the trail. The joy that lay before him gave him the strength to suffer on the cross and willingly bear its shame. He now sits at Creator’s right hand in the place of greatest honor." ------ First Nations Translation. Missing you Terri!!!!! But will surely see you again... at the end of our trail!
Donate to help Shawn raise money for 2024 GOCA Teal Trot 5K Walk/Run’s fundraising campaign.