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The Island Walk

Raise money for The Island Walk

The Island Walk is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit organization. Our goal is to develop and improve the Walk to become North America's most-loved long-distance pilgrimage.

We are focused on becoming self-sustaining. That means we depend on partners and individual donors like you and me. You can help us achieve our goal!

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Upper Room PEI Food Banks!

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jul 31 Kays Wholesale Congrats Dave. Well done $215.93
Jul 30 The Wieland's Undisclosed amount
Jul 30 Alyssa Wooldridge $54.72
Jul 29 Anne Ferguson Great effort, congratulations on covering the island walk. There are so many sights to see. $54.72
Jul 28 Chez Leo Fried Clams Restaurant What an accomplishment David! Undisclosed amount
Jul 28 Ruth DeLong $54.72
Jul 25 Marc Christensen Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 25 Kathy and Kevin Moving and sharing toward opening hearts 💕 Undisclosed amount
Jul 23 Bryan W. Undisclosed amount