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Help Debbie raise money

For participating in METAvivor's 3rd annual: Cancer Can Suck a Cactus Fun Run

My Story…

Happiness is on the wings of the butterfly! The butterfly has been a symbol of transformation, comfort, hope and faith. The life cycle of a butterfly is a gentle reminder that life is full of challenges,transformations and loss. If a butterfly lands on you-it's telling you to focus on what's happening around you. Noticing the smaller moments & simpler things in life can help you be happier. Let the change of the butterfly be a sign that you persevere through any struggle and come out stronger and more beautiful than ever.


There is NO CURE for MBC - let's change that together! Your donation will fund stage 4 breast cancer research to help impact these statistics:

  • Approximately 30% of early stage breast cancer survivors will have a recurrence as metastatic disease
  • Metastases can occur as early as several months to 25+ years after treatment
  • 685,000 people a year die from metastatic breast cancer globally
  • Only 22% of U.S. MBC patients live longer than 5 years, and only 11% of live longer than 10 years

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 02 Debbie Cupo $500.00
Oct 17 Debbie Cupo $106.35