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Help Angela raise money

For participating in Kicking PancreAS™ 5K - London, Ontario

My Story…

Yemmie was our grandmother. In Assyrian, Yemmie means mother, and that’s exactly who she was to all her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Yemmie fought a hard battle against pancreatic cancer but unfortunately, yemmie is not with us anymore. Yemmie was someone who had nothing but pure and unconditional love in her heart. Yemmie shared that love with everyone who crossed paths with her. Yemmie taught us all unity, strength, resiliency, acceptance, and love. Yemmie was the person you could rely on for anything, and everyone knew she would welcome you with open arms,with the most beautiful smile, love, and safety that you could feel with just a hug. Yemmie always reminded me to stay calm and approach with kindness, as she always did with anything she faced in life. Yemmie is the strongest person I have ever met, and that strength showed throughout her entire life and through her battle with pancreatic cancer. Yemmie will always continue to be all of our role model. ❤️

Donate to help Angela raise money for Kicking PancreAS™ 5K - London, Ontario’s fundraising campaign.