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Help Amatullah raise money

For participating in Panther Prowl 2024-2025

My Story…

Hi. I'm participating in my school Panther Prowl race 2024. It's once a year event!  

This event gives me an opportunity to raise funds for my school so my school can have better resources to meet our education goals. Please help me and my school. Thank you 😊 

Donate to help Amatullah raise money for Panther Prowl 2024-2025’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 04 Murtuza Bohri Best of luck Amatullah Undisclosed amount
Oct 01 Haider Very nice Amatulla. $11.50
Oct 01 Yusuf Arif Gr8 job Amatulla and best of luck! $11.50
Oct 01 Mamu $50.00
Sep 30 Hatim Pitalwala $27.48