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Help Heather raise money

For participating in Rebuild Jasper Run

My Story…

I don't actually like running but hopefully you're inspired to donate like I was inspired to sign up to run! 

Wildfires are regenerative to nature, but the people of Jasper need help rebuilding. Home isn't just physical and these organizations help. 

You can be a part this event by giving towards the Jasper Community Team Society (a trusted partner of the Municipality of Jasper) and the Jasper Volunteer Fire Brigade (I happened to see someone going through testing for the JVFB on one of my visits. It did not look easy... but very well organized!). For more info on what they both do:

It's easy to donate right here on my page. Remember to also share to get the #RebuildJasperRun to their goal! 

Thanks in advance for helping Jasper be able to keep being a place we can all enjoy <3

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Nov 27 Anonymous Ha ha $250.00
Nov 18 Anonymous Have fun! Undisclosed amount