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Help Petrina raise money

For participating in The 5K Foam Fest - Brisbane

My Story…

It’s a bit of fun, for a wonderful cause.  We’re running foam fest again this year and I’d love it if you would help me help my team reach our $1000 goal for The Make a Wish Foundation.    Siddy’s best friend was granted a wish before he succumbed to Leukaemia, the wish meant that he was able to have some joy with his friends and family before he passed.  This meant the world to Sid & his mates.  Please give what you can. 

Donate to help Petrina raise money for The 5K Foam Fest - Brisbane’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jan 12 Leonardo Childs A$26.16
Sep 06 Petrina Medlock A$26.16