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Help Dalton raise money

For participating in 2025 Flying Pig Marathon Weekend

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My Story…

My name is Dalton Mayer, I am 22 years old and a recent Army veteran. I have always enjoyed challenging myself physically and mentally, and this year will be no different. I have signed up for my first ever full marathon, but to add to the challenge I will be committing to attempting to total 1,000 pounds in the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift directly afterwards the same day. I am also using this opportunity to raise awareness and funds for the Nuxhall Foundation. This Non-Profit organization raises funds and awareness to give kids of all ages with disabilities the opportunity to play, compete, and enjoy the game of baseball in a big league like atmosphere. I am blessed and very fortunate to be able to test my mental and physical fortitude while raising awareness for a great cause. If you are able to contribute whether it be monetarily or just by spreading the word it is greatly appreciated. 

Donate to help Dalton raise money for 2025 Flying Pig Marathon Weekend’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jan 21 🫶 keep it up bean Undisclosed amount
Jan 17 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jan 07 sammm so proud of you Undisclosed amount
Jan 03 kdw $107.94
Dec 31 John and Marisela Go get em,you Panther 😊 $536.02
Dec 31 Anonymous Go get em! Undisclosed amount
Dec 30 Dana $27.68
Dec 30 Steve and Peggy Strahler You are special and so is your endeavor. Good luck! Undisclosed amount
Dec 30 Jordyne $27.68
Dec 30 Don and Marissa You got this Dalton!! $54.43