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Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division (CMHA BC)

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Recueillir des fonds pour l’organisme Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division (CMHA BC)

Your donations to Shoppers Drug Mart® Run for Women - Victoria help the Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division (CMHA BC) support mental wellness programs in Victoria, and throughout the province. Funds raised this year will help support two programs: Living Life to the Full, focused on supporting mental wellness of participants experiencing stress, worry and low mood, and Enjoy Your Baby, a post-partum depression prevention program for new parents.

CMHA BC is a leading mental health non-profit and charitable organization, supporting better mental health and substance use outcomes for British Columbians. When you take part in the Run for Women, you help CMHA BC be there for people who are struggling and show the community that they are not alone.


Cliquez sur une équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.


Cliquez sur une personne ci-dessous pour effectuer un don.

Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
Mar 13 Anonyme 25,00 $
Mar 12 Craig Brown 6,24 $
Mar 12 Anonyme 6,24 $
Mar 11 Meghan Roberts 27,60 $
Mar 11 Heather Roberts 107,72 $
Mar 11 Madison Lovesar 27,60 $
Mar 11 Michelle Rudderham Montant non divulgué
Mar 09 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Mar 02 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Feb 28 Anonyme 107,72 $