Raise money for Jack Long Foundation
Running for Roofs
Run / Donate for Grandma, Grandpa, Mum, Dad... Someone you love!
Help us to build Elderhouse, a prototype for seniors who need a little help. Safe, dignified age-in-place housing. Every dollar helps create a home for up to 23 seniors. Every dollar creates a REA HOME for our seniors! ...and opens the door to more built in more communities - maybe yours!
Running for Roofs
Run, Walk, Roll, Donate and help JLF put a roof over the heads of up to 23 seniors. Elderhouse is a REAL HOME for REAL PEOPLE. Why Elderhouser? It offers a new option in kinder, safer, affordable, and dignified housing for our seniors. Someone you know can live in a safe setting with companionship and social connection... no more loneliness and isolation!
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Jack Long Foundation
Raised: $243.94
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Greg Gale
Raised: $54.31
Grayson Couper
Raised: $54.31
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Mar 18 | Adam Thoms | $54.31 |
Mar 12 | Greg Gale | $54.31 |
Feb 28 | Alexandra MacKay | $27.60 |
Feb 20 | Mike Jukic | $107.72 |