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Calgary Humane Society

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Raise money for Calgary Humane Society

At Calgary Humane Society, we exist to create a more humane world – when animals are at their most vulnerable, our dedicated care sees them through.  We are always there to protect and nurture the welfare of all animals with kindness and love, and in turn, animals remind us every day what it truly means to be human.    

We believe in inclusive animal welfare—every animal, every person, and every situation are welcome through our doors.  

Our mission: Protect animals. Support people. Create a more humane world. 


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Mar 21 Susan Schell Cheering for you Tanya and for a great cause!! $107.72
Mar 21 Ruben G. Lipszyc / BASE Management Consulting The pets are getting $2 for each km you run! Don't let them down. $42.20
Mar 20 Granni You go girl,, $107.72
Mar 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 20 Teddy Braun $27.60
Mar 20 robyn gould $27.60
Mar 19 Simcoe To give good homes to better dogs $54.31
Mar 18 Anonymous For my buddy Lou and his fellow dumpster dogs! 🐾 Undisclosed amount
Mar 18 Oliver Powers-Jones À cause close to my paws and furry heart. $107.72
Mar 18 Lou For all the other dumpster dogs 🐾 $107.72