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Help us raise money

For participating in Venice Beach Half Marathon and 5k

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Our story…

The parent run booster club, Mar Vista School Enrichment Group (MVSEG) is a non-profit organization that raises funds for programs that will enrich and diversify the educational experience for all students in the school. 

MVSEG bridges the gap between the basic, minimum funding provided by LAUSD and the essential resources, services, and equipment necessary for the highly successful learning environment at Mar Vista Elementary. From P.E. to science lab to art to classroom aides and more, the programs we support & raise money for, help make our children’s education at MVE truly outstanding. With the active support of our incredible community of families, the teachers and administrators, we volunteer our knowledge, time and resources in a variety of ways. 

Help us raise money for School Fund

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 20 Anonymous $20.00