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ALS Society of Canada

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The ALS Society of Canada is working to change what it means to live with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, an unrelenting and currently terminal disease.

Grounded in and informed by the Canadian ALS community, we respond to the urgent unmet need for life-changing treatments by investing in high-quality research that will fuel scientific discovery and by engaging industry, supporting increased clinical capacity and advocating for equitable, affordable and timely access to proven therapies.

Responding to the tremendous need for current and credible ALS knowledge, awareness and education, we empower Canadians affected by ALS to navigate the current realities of ALS, be informed consumers of ALS information, and advocate effectively for change. In Ontario, we provide direct community services to help people navigate ALS.

Founded in 1977, we are a registered charity that receives no core government funding – our work is powered by generous donors who share our vision of a world free of ALS.



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Donateurs récents

Donateurs récents
Date Nom Montant
Nov 03 Samantha Zanolin 28,25 $
Oct 29 William Jeaurond 28,25 $
Oct 27 Maryse Giard Montant non divulgué
Oct 21 Daphné Demers 6,79 $
Oct 19 Brooke Hall 6,79 $
Oct 19 Carl-Hugo Lachance Montant non divulgué
Oct 18 Marcelle Rousseau 28,25 $
Oct 17 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Oct 16 Anonyme 28,25 $
Oct 16 Raffaele Sabelli I run in memory and honor of dear amazing friend Stephane. 28,25 $