Raise money for Eating Disorders Nova Scotia
Eating Disorders Nova Scotia believes everyone should have access to the support they need for recovery.
We are committed to inspiring hope, reducing stigma, raising awareness, and offering meaningful support at all stages of recovery.
Our services include an integration of both clinical groups, and Peer Support including mentoring, meal support, online peer support groups, virtual workshops, and peer support for caregivers. All our services are available without a referral or diagnosis and delivered virtually meaning barriers have been reduced, consistent with the Stepped Care approach.
Our main message to those living with an eating disorder is that you are not alone.
We could not do this without the support of our community.
Taking on a challenge like a half or full marathon, or a 5K is an empowering experience.
If you’ve ever had a harmful relationship with exercise, we strongly encourage you to talk with your support system, including your doctor, before joining. If you currently have a harmful relationship with exercise, we strongly discourage you from taking part in any activity that could put your health in jeopardy.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Eating Disorders Nova Scotia
Raised: $742.80
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Norah Lawrence
Raised: $328.31
Collette Deschenes
Raised: $170.20
Hannah Baillie
Raised: $167.10
Catherine Armour
Raised: $77.19
Lara Mitchell
Raised: $27.85
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Mar 14 | Thibault Family | $27.85 |
Mar 14 | Andrea & Gracie | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 14 | Nancy Mapp | $27.85 |
Mar 14 | Jessica | $27.85 |
Mar 14 | John and Jane Steeves | $108.45 |
Mar 14 | Chantel Bishio | $54.72 |
Mar 13 | Marlo Lawrence | $54.72 |
Mar 13 | Margaret Armour | $54.72 |
Mar 10 | Meredith K | $27.85 |
Mar 10 | Damian Ali | $27.85 |