My Story…
On Saturday, May 17th I am participating in a 5km marathon in Halifax.
All the funds I raise will be donated to the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network (BTS).
In November 2019 I went on a 10-day delegation to Guatemala and saw firsthand the amazing work of BTS and met many of the partners BTS supports.
The Martimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network (BTS) is a voluntary network of people in the Maritimes who began to organize in 1988 to support the efforts of Guatemalans struggling for political, social, and economic justice. BTS has been actively supporting Guatemalans for nearly 37 years.
BTS undertakes advocacy efforts in solidarity with their partners in Guatemala. They recognize that injustice in the north and south are linked, and these struggles are inextricably connected. As a network based in Canada, a key focus of their work is geared towards holding the Canadian government and corporations accountable.
Go to to learn more.
Donate to help Lydia raise money for Emera Blue Nose Marathon’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Mar 15 | Anonymous | $27.85 |
Mar 15 | Lydia Jenkinson | $27.85 |