Raise money for Canopy Child Advocacy Center	
We are Cuyahoga County’s child advocacy center. We work with youth and their families that are victims of child abuse through a multidisciplinary approach that ensures they are able to receive all services they need in one child friendly and trauma informed location to experience safety, healing, and well being. Services provided include mental health, victim advocacy, medical exams, access to investigative entities in once location, forensic interviews, case management, and multidisciplinary case review individualized for each child.
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Mar 02 | Jack Fisher | $27.68 |
Mar 01 | Anonymous | $27.68 |
Jan 21 | Ashley Willey | $27.68 |
Jan 11 | Kevin Tabor | $50.00 |
Jan 08 | Laura Selle | Undisclosed amount |
Nov 29 | Michael Comley | Undisclosed amount |
Nov 14 | Alan Gecht | Undisclosed amount |