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Help Emma raise money

For participating in 2025 Grandma's Marathon Weekend Races

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My Story…

As a former collegiate track and cross-country athlete, I have faced many adversities that eventually led to me to step away from the sport. I struggled to find the joy that running once filled me with. After spontaneously signing up for the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon in 2022 I found that joy again. Even though I ran this race without any training, I was able to finish. This sense of accomplishment was extremely rewarding. I knew I wanted to come back to this half marathon after training and continue my journey as a runner.

By running to raise money for the Animal Allies Humane Society, I am able to make a difference in the lives of many animals. Just as I have faced adversity in my own journey, many animals are faced with challenges that they overcome each day. The Animal Allies Humane Society is dedicated to helping better the journey for people and pets in their community.

Donate to help Emma raise money for 2025 Grandma's Marathon Weekend Races’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 14 Carol Howd $107.35
Mar 08 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 05 Anonymous $43.45
Oct 22 Paige & Logan she’s a runner she’s a track star 🌟 $27.48
Oct 22 Realing $54.10
Oct 21 Anonymous Undisclosed amount