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Autism Resource Centre

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Raise money for Autism Resource Centre

The Autism Resource Centre (ARC) is a non-profit organization that aims to meet the evolving needs of autistic youth. It is our goal to help empower autistic people so they can realize their potential, achieve independence and fully engage with their community through our programs and education.

Thank you for choosing the Autism Resource Centre as your charity of choice. 

About 1 in every 50 Canadian children and adolescents is autistic, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada.  Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts individuals across the lifespan.

You may know a family member, a friend, or a colleague who lives with autism and by supporting organizations like ARC you are helping create a more inclusive community that recognizes the talents autistic people have to offer.

The Autism Resource Centre relies on donations and fundraising for the continuation and expansion of our programming. Your donation is appreciated, and all donations over $20 will receive an official tax receipt. 

We truly appreciate your support and goodluck at the race!


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Mar 12 Craig Herrington Undisclosed amount
Feb 22 Anonymous $27.75
Feb 20 Tammy Geradts Undisclosed amount
Jan 18 Gaylene Jeannot On behalf of my daughter Regan who enjoys ARC programs and services. $54.55
Jan 10 Cathy Uhersky Undisclosed amount
Dec 30 Allison Ruecker Undisclosed amount
Dec 22 Aly Phee $108.16