My Story
This is my second year running the SL10K for Campfire Circle! Camp gives pediatric cancer patients and their families a place to enjoy the outdoors and spend time with each other. It is also the only camp in Canada that gives on-site chemotherapy and other treatments. Camp has in-hospital, day, and overnight programs that help kids receive support and bond with people who understand their unique situations.
This year, I am trying to raise $1500. It's a high goal, but it would provide a full weekend of camp for a kid. Campfire Circle runs WACs (weekend at camp) during the non-summer months, so that the magic of camp can continue year round. I will also be volunteering at camp for the first time this summer! Thank you for your support!
Help deliver healing through happiness to kids with cancer or serious illness and their families.
For over 40 years Campfire Circle has provided play-based experiences through our in-hospital, community, and overnight camps for kids with cancer or serious illness and their families. We empower kids to take back their childhood, regardless of their medical diagnosis.
Now, more than ever, kids with serious illness and their families need moments of joy, connection, and healing.
When you donate to Campfire Circle you build friendships and social skills, develop self-confidence and resiliency, and improve their overall well-being.
With your support, we can offer our programs at no cost to families and grow our circle of care so that every eligible child can benefit from our innovative and impactful programs.
Thank you for helping to build a world where children thrive and families heal.