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Dirt Divas Project Angel

Raise money for Dirt Divas Project Angel

You know how good it feels to get a new bicycle? And you know the wonderful feeling of freedom and accomplishment that comes from riding? Not everyone enjoys this same opportunity. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution towards Project Angel.

Project Angel is a Dirt Divas initiative that provides bicycles to needy children in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Area. Your donations purchase bicycles, floor pumps, and assorted gear for each Project Angel child recipient.

Who Are the Dirt Divas?

The Dirt Divas, which is a non-profit women’s mountain biking club, originated in 2001. The Co-Founders of the Dirt Divas were: Sharon Costner, Laura Smith Williams, Patty Smith, Michelle Goelzer, LuzMa Beasley, Mindi Seaman & Christy DeVorak. The clubs organization started a year earlier with an email list of 50 local women riders and would alternate a mountain bike ride one Tuesday and Booty Loop Ride the next Tuesday. As the club built momentum and split off as the sister club from the Tarheel Trailblazer, it was official the Dirt Divas incorporated and had their first monthly meeting in Jan 2001.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jan 19 Wade Stoeppler $27.48
Jan 16 Joseph Wiswell Undisclosed amount
Jan 01 Sunny Gibson $54.10
Dec 11 YORK Velosport Undisclosed amount
Dec 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Dec 01 Anonymous $27.48
Nov 26 Heath Byrd Undisclosed amount
Nov 21 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 20 Justin Atkinson Undisclosed amount
Nov 20 Maeve Sheehy Undisclosed amount