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Help us raise money

For participating in Seize the Moment Run 2025

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Our story…

The official diagnosis we received when Ari was two years old: "Refractory absence epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia". At that time I had no idea what our future would look like but I made it my mission to get Ari the best medical care, best therapy and best education I could. Life hasn't been easy for this little man but if you have spent anytime with him you know just how amazing he really is.  Ari is determined, strong, resilient, and compassionate.  Despite his struggles with epilepsy and speech he has continued to grow into such an incredible young man.  I am fortunate to have amazing friends and family who have supported us through some pretty tough times.  We are so fortunate and thankful.  Please come out and join us for a morning run/walk to help raise funds for The Northern California Epilepsy Foundation.  This foundation provides resources and information, offers support, camps, first aid training, alternative treatment and educational events.  We hope to see you there!  

Help us raise money for Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 10 Lashonda D Perry $54.10
Feb 22 Kevin $50.00
Feb 05 Anonymous Keep up the good work little man! $27.48
Jan 09 Rickey Hanson Jr Let’s all heal together! Undisclosed amount
Jan 08 Joyce and Michael Foster Love and prayers for healing. $107.35
Jan 08 Vicki Tsverov Go Arion!!!! $25.00