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For participating in Purple Paddy's 5k 2025

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Our story…

Walk to make a difference!

Pancreatic cancer five year survival rates are at 13%. Imagine. Getting a diagnosis when the odds of survival are very slim. 

Together, we can fight to raise awareness, to increase research funding to provide early diagnostic testing, and assist with patient advocacy.

As a survivor, I need to  make a difference, it is my responsibility to share my story.  

Misdiagnosed, as many of us are, and dismissed by my doctor. I was later diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer, neuroendocrine cancer, which accounts for less than 5% of pancreatic cancers.  I medically qualified for Whipple, 80% do not, and had a great recovery. I attribute much of my success due to the fact I was active prior to diagnosis.

Project Purple is an amazing organization that uses activities such as walking, running, golfing to raise funds and awareness for pancreatic cancer. Please join us Saint Patty’s day weekend,  sign-up, donate we simply share.

Help us raise money for Project Purple

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 07 Robin Schroeder $27.64
Feb 01 Robin Schroeder $27.64
Jan 11 Nancy Sahadi You are an inspiration, Robin Schroeder! $27.64
Jan 07 Robin Schroeder $54.36