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Help Mariana Newby raise money

For participating in Credit Union Cherry Blossom Kids Run

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My Story…

Hi everyone! I’m running in the Cherry Blossom Kids Race in Washington DC. I am trying to raise funds for Children's National Hospital to help kids like me! Will you help me reach my goal?! Thank you for helping kids like me grow!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 18 Danny and Pam Go for it Mari!! $106.25
Feb 18 Pam Young Run like the wind, sweet girl! Undisclosed amount
Feb 17 YASMIN Kahele I hope my donation helps the children in some way and is an incentive for others to contribute as well. $106.25
Feb 08 Lorean Newby So proud of you Mari! Always doing more to help all kids! Love you! $26.75