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Special Olympics Kitchener-Waterloo

Raise money for Special Olympics Kitchener-Waterloo

ALL PLEDGES DONATED TO: Special Olympics Ontario Kitchener-Waterloo is a completely volunteer driven organization that provides year-round opportunities in sports training and athlete competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics is founded on the belief that people with intellectual disabilities can, with proper instruction and encouragement, learn, enjoy and benefit from participation individual and team sports. Special Olympics believes that through sports training and competition, people with intellectual disabilities benefit physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually; and that the community - through participation and observation - is united in understanding people with intellectual disabilities in an environment of equality, respect and acceptance. Special Olympics Ontario Registered Charitable Number 11906 8435 RR0001 For more information, please visit:


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 27 Terrina Harding $100.00
May 24 Eric Force $20.00
May 24 Mandi McCutcheon $20.00
May 21 Anonymous $10.00
May 20 Anonymous $10.00
May 06 Bruce Archer $20.00
May 04 Kate Ahrens $20.00
May 01 Sarah Stockford $25.00
Apr 30 Stephanie Stavropoulos $30.00