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The Animal Guardian Society

Raise money for The Animal Guardian Society

The Animal Guardian Society (TAGS) is a registered non-profit organization serving Durham Region.  Over the last 25 years, TAGS has rescued fostered and found permanent homes for hundreds of animals. TAGS is a well-known advocate for animal rights, whether it be protecting at risk animals, or lobbying for an affordable spay/neuter clinic in Durham Region. TAGS does not receive any formal government funding every dollar donated to TAGS goes directly to the care of our animals


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 07 Hettie Patte $40.00
May 07 Jody Ryan $20.00
May 07 Sharon Pennell $100.00
May 07 Emilie Gassien $20.00
May 06 Kyle Stafford $20.00
May 06 Tanya Noyes $20.00
May 06 Colleen Wilhelm $100.00
May 06 Stephanie Gratton $25.00
May 06 Emilie Gassien $20.00
May 05 Anonymous $25.00