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Purdue Foundation

Raise money for Purdue Foundation

The Purdue University Center for Cancer Research brings together the best minds from within Purdue University and beyond to study cancers where they start — inside the cell. Using the combined expertise of scientists from disciplines as varied as engineering and veterinary medicine, biology, and chemistry, the Center for Cancer Research promotes discovery into how cancers develop, progress and respond to treatment. Our work leads to the advancement of new medicines, early detection and diagnostic methods, more effective treatments, and highly efficient drug delivery systems.

As a National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center, the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research is making significant contributions to emerging technologies such as cancer vaccines and combination chemotherapy. We specialize in translational research that saves lives by translating laboratory findings into new and innovative therapies as quickly as possible. 


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jan 08 Thomas Polick $50.00
Jan 07 Melissa Schammert $25.00
Jan 07 Jason Lutz $50.00
Jan 07 Megan Kitching $25.00
Dec 02 Amanda Dunkle $25.00