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Help Lionel raise money

For participating in Alive to Strive Race 2015 Course Vivre ses defis

My Story…

Lionel has been involved in education for more than 15 years. He teaches at South Carleton High School and has been connected with an approach to personal fitness since the late 90’s. Since that point, his school program and course selection has changed to reflect the interest in personal fitness themed courses. As part of the course summative, students train and then participate in a community sponsored 5K event. This year, students will participate in the Alive to Strive race. Lionel has always joined in on the training and the run itself. This year, he has had to adjust his training schedule due to knee surgery. “I was motivated to participate in the 3-Kg Challenge after witnessing Marie-Eve’s personal account of her story. She delivered a powerful and inspiring presentation to our class of grade 11 personal fitness girls (students). Once she described this unique opportunity of the weighted vest I felt the need to experience what those with kidney disease live