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Help Shelly raise money

For participating in Jodi’s Race for Awareness

My Story…

I never got the honor or privilege to meet Jodi but I work with her husband and have spent time with their beautiful daughter Meghan. Through them, I understand what an amazing person she was and what it meant to her to save every woman possible from this disease! I am honored to support this cause with many of my Vivage colleagues! Let's all be angels that watch out and protect one other just as Jodi envisioned!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 05 Shelly Warnsholz $64.05
May 21 Tina Kingery $81.00
May 21 Jeannette M. Lee $12.00
May 21 Apponi Partners, Inc. $67.50
May 21 Shelly Warnsholz $128.00
May 15 Mark D. Osweiler $80.00
May 15 Mary Koretke $70.00
May 15 Jay Moskowitz $500.00
Apr 29 Deborah Ahrens $50.00
Apr 23 Deborah Ahrens $25.00