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Help John raise money

For participating in PLAY LIKE THE PROS

I'm raising $ for Junior Golf by participating in the Play Like the Pros! Help me grow the game!

My Story…

Hi, I am participating in this event to help raise money and bring awareness to young people that golf is a sport they can succeed in and enjoy throughout their entire lives. If you golf, you know that we need to encourage young people to get out and participate in this non-contact sport that promotes honesty and integrity while enabling people to get some exercise and spend time with their friends.

Donate to help John raise money for PLAY LIKE THE PROS’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 03 Brad Adamson $100.00
Jun 02 Lloyd Chun $50.00
Jun 02 Ian Neville $100.00
Jun 02 Paul Silvestri $100.00
May 26 John Chun $50.00