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Wood's Homes

Raise money for Wood's Homes


Nationally and locally known as a children’s mental health centre that is always there to help and never gives up on children, youth, young adults and families.


Promote and assist the development and well-being of children, youth and families within their community.


Wood’s Homes values human beings and the place they occupy in the world
at any given moment. In doing so, the organization upholds the following
principles and is guided by them in all of its moment-by-moment interactions:

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Nov 28 Kevin Keenan CA$50.00
Nov 28 Kathleen Ellum CA$20.00
Nov 28 Sandy Bietz CA$20.00
Nov 26 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Nov 26 Kathleen Miller Jobson CA$100.00
Nov 25 Anonymous CA$45.00
Nov 25 Harvey Huebsch Good on you girl for doing this. I love your Einstien quote. CA$50.00
Nov 25 Michael Charles CA$50.00
Nov 25 Rosemarie Miller Congrats on a great fundraising campaign! Looking forward to doing the run with you tomorrow CA$50.00
Nov 24 Judy Van Seggelen CA$50.00